worst human food for pets

Worst Human Food for Pets

Things Your Pet Should Not Be Eating

Did you know that your mutual love for snacks could be a dangerous game? As fur parents, our hearts might want to share, but certain human foods are outright toxic to our pets. It's a meal ticket to disaster. But what they can eat is Eukanuba, a brand of premium pet food, primarily focused on providing high-quality nutrition for dogs.

Understanding Pets' Dietary Needs

Chocolate isn't the best dietary choice for us, but it's downright dangerous for our pets. The nutritional needs of pets are vastly different from ours, and while some human foods are perfectly safe for them, others can lead to severe health issues, even death. For example, while protein is suitable for humans and pets, certain foods we consider healthy protein sources, like onions and garlic, can be highly toxic to pets.

The Silent Killers: Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic might be staple ingredients in your kitchen, but they're a pet's nightmare. These foods contain compounds that can damage a pet's red blood cells, leading to anemia, weakness and breathing problems. Worse yet, symptoms may not appear for several days, making it difficult for pet owners to link the health issues to their pet's diet.

Sweet but Deadly: Chocolate and Caffeine

For many of us, a morning without coffee or an evening without a chocolate dessert is unthinkable. But these human pleasures contain theobromine and caffeine—highly toxic to pets. Ingesting chocolate or caffeinated drinks can cause pets to experience restlessness, rapid breathing, muscle tremors, seizures and even death.

More Harmful Foods for Pets

Aside from the commonly known dangerous foods like onions, garlic, chocolate and caffeine, several other human foods can lead to severe health issues for pets. Alcoholic beverages, for instance, can have disastrous effects on your pet's health. They can cause many issues, including vomiting, disorientation, difficulty breathing, tremors, decreased body temperature and in severe cases, coma or even death.

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes and raisins may seem harmless snacks, but they have been associated with sudden and acute kidney failure in dogs. Symptoms include vomiting, loss of appetite, lethargy, dehydration and severe abdominal pain.


Avocados are another surprising culprit. They contain a toxin called persin, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, cats and birds. While the amount of persin is much higher in the leaves and bark of the avocado tree, the fruit itself can still cause harm.


Nuts, particularly macadamia nuts, can cause various symptoms in dogs ranging from weakness and depression to tremors and hyperthermia. And the artificial sweetener xylitol, found in some peanut butter, candies and baked goods, can lead to liver failure and death in dogs.

What To Do If Your Pet Ingests Toxic Foods

Prompt action can save your pet's life if you suspect they've ingested toxic food. Immediately contact your local veterinarian or a pet poison control center. Keep these contact details easily accessible at all times.

In the initial phone call, provide as much information as possible. This includes the type and quantity of food your pet consumed, size, weight, breed and any symptoms your pet is experiencing.

Your veterinarian might instruct you to induce vomiting at home, but only if explicitly told to do so. Certain substances can cause more harm if vomited, especially corrosive or sharp.

Depending on the toxin and the severity of the symptoms, your vet may need to treat your pet directly. This treatment can range from administering activated charcoal to absorb the toxin to hospitalization for fluid therapy and monitoring.

Preventing Accidental Ingestion

Prevention is the best way to protect your pet from the dangers of toxic human foods.

  • Start by storing potentially harmful foods well out of your pet's reach. Pets, especially dogs, can be opportunistic and surprisingly agile when snatching food.
  • Never leave food unattended on countertops or tables where pets can reach.
  • If you're hosting a gathering or party, ensure your guests know not to feed your pets and keep an eye out for any food that might fall on the floor.
  • Make sure all members of your household, including children, understand which foods are dangerous for pets.
  • Additionally, consider making a list of harmful foods and placing it on your refrigerator or another easily visible location.

Meal times should be supervised, mainly if young children may drop food or want to share with the family pet. Train your pets to understand the "leave it" command, which can be particularly helpful if they encounter a potentially dangerous food item.

Eukanuba Pet Food

Eukanuba is a brand of premium pet food, primarily focused on providing high-quality nutrition for dogs and cats. The company was founded in 1969 by Paul Iams, who wanted to create pet food made from animal-based proteins, which were considered superior for pets' dietary needs. Eukanuba products are known for using high-quality ingredients, especially proteins like chicken, lamb, and fish, to support pets' health and well-being.


Sharing your life with a pet brings immeasurable joy and companionship but also requires responsibility. Part of this responsibility is ensuring your pets don't ingest harmful human food. Staying vigilant about what your pets eat can ensure they lead long, healthy lives full of tail-wags, purrs and loving companionship.