poor sleep hygiene

Everything to Know About Poor Sleep Hygiene

Understanding What It Is & How to Fix It

Nothing impacts your mental well-being and physical health more than sleep. A good night’s rest leaves you feeling recharged and prepared for the day, and a good mattress and cushion can make all the difference.

However, many people suffer from poor sleep hygiene, which leaves them groggy and unfocused for the day. Not only is it frustrating, but it can also begin to affect your well-being if left uncorrected. So, read on to learn how to avoid poor sleep hygiene and create healthy sleep habits!

Improve Your Sleep Hygiene with a Comfortable Mattress and Cushion

When it comes to sleep hygiene, having a good mattress and cushion can really make all the difference. A mattress that fits your ideal sleep position and comfort, allows you to get the desired sleep you need. The level of firmness that you need varies on the person, so find one that works for you.

Where you lie your head matters. Finding the right cushion can help align your spine properly, which is essential for healthier sleep. There are many choices for a good cushion, like synthetic down, foam and latex, that will help you find your ideal cushion. Choose one that works for your comfort.

What is Poor Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep hygiene encompasses everything from the activities you participate in throughout the day, the food and beverages you consume, and your nighttime routine. Each of these factors contributes to the overall quality of your sleep. People who practice healthy sleep hygiene regularly experience deep, quality sleep and have enough energy to be productive throughout the day.

By contrast, poor sleep hygiene refers to people who either struggle to fall asleep, cannot stay asleep or experience poor quality sleep. As a result of their inadequate sleep hygiene, during the day they are groggy, irritable and unable to concentrate or motivate themselves to do simple tasks.

Over time, this can seriously impact an individual’s mental well-being and ability to care for themselves. In some cases, it develops into a sleep disorder, such as insomnia.

How to Improve Your Sleep Hygiene

Luckily for anyone who is currently suffering from poor sleep hygiene, there are countless ways to get better sleep and develop sustainable sleeping habits that leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. These hygiene tips outline the best ways to improve your sleep hygiene!

Regular Exercise

The benefits of regular exercise cannot be overestimated. As little as thirty minutes of exercise a day, whether it's yoga or running, can improve the quality of your sleep. It also has the added benefit of keeping your heart and brain healthy, so you can take care of your body from head to toe by implementing an exercise schedule into your weekly routine.

Exercise has been proven to reduce how long it takes people to fall asleep as well as alleviating daytime sleepiness, making people feel more alert during the day. Exercising outside is a great way to get more sunlight exposure, which also helps regulate your sleep schedule.

Just be sure to avoid exercising an hour or two before you plan to go to bed. Exercise increases the body temperature which interferes with the process of falling asleep.

Create and Maintain a Sleep Schedule

It may appear daunting, or even inconvenient at first, but being strict about when you go to sleep and when you wake up is the easiest way to improve sleep quality. A set schedule is key to a well-maintained body clock and your body will quickly adjust to falling asleep and waking up at the same time every day.

Allow seven to eight hours between the time you plan to go to sleep and wake up to ensure that you have provided your body with enough sleep. If you want to start going to bed earlier, make small adjustments to reach your new bedtime. Trying to transition between the bedtime your body is used to and a new bedtime too quickly will make it easier to sleep.

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Put Down Electronics

Your phone, tablet and laptop all stimulate brain function. This is great during the day when you have tasks to complete, but at night, it only serves to keep you alert unnecessarily. Avoid using your electronics at least an hour before going to bed to ensure that your brain has had adequate time to wind down from the day’s activities.

Screens also emit blue light which has been proven to diminish the production of melatonin, which is the hormone your body produces to make you feel sleepy.

Follow a Bedtime Routine

In a similar vein to setting a fixed time to go to sleep and wake up, a well-maintained nightly routine is crucial to preparing the body for sleep. Repeating the same process of brushing your teeth, applying skincare products and changing into your pajamas every night helps your body recognize that it is time to sleep.

Start your routine between 30 and 60 minutes before you plan to go to sleep and include any activities you find relaxing that do not involve screens. Stretching, reading and listening to soothing music are all brilliant ways to relax the body and prepare it for quality sleep.

Create a Comfortable Sleep Environment

Sometimes the simplest fix is buying a new bedspread or opening a window. Whether your mattress is too firm or the material of your pajamas is too rough on your skin, anything that makes you uncomfortable will make it significantly harder to sleep. Contemplate whether you would benefit from investing in earplugs or a new duvet, and you might quickly find that your sleeping habits have improved.

Final Thoughts

Leave restless nights and unproductive days behind you by improving your sleep hygiene and working to incorporate healthy habits into your daily schedule. Nothing is better than knowing that you are taking good care of your body and providing it with all the resources it needs to induce a deep, fulfilling sleep.