A cup of black coffee surrounded by coffee beans.

7 Drinks to Avoid With Lung Cancer

A Healthy Diet is Key

Lung cancer is one of the most challenging and common cancers worldwide, affecting millions of people. While treatment options such as chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy (like Imfinzi, which helps target and destroy cancer cells) play crucial roles in managing the disease, diet and lifestyle choices, including what you drink, can significantly influence your overall health and wellbeing during the battle against lung cancer. Certain beverages can negatively impact lung health, exacerbate cancer symptoms, or interfere with treatments. Here’s a look seven common drinks to avoid with lung cancer, and why they shouldn't be consumed.

1. Sugary Beverages

Drinks like soda, sweetened juices and energy drinks are among the worst drinks for people with lung cancer. These beverages are loaded with refined sugars, which can contribute to inflammation in the body and weaken the immune system. Cancer patients already face an uphill battle with inflammation and a compromised immune system, and consuming sugary drinks can further elevate inflammation levels.

Additionally, the excessive calories in sugary beverages may contribute to unwanted weight gain, which can increase the risk of treatment complications and reduce energy levels. For lung cancer patients who may already experience fatigue, consuming sugar-laden drinks can lead to energy crashes and a weakened capacity to recover from treatments.

2. Alcohol

Alcohol is another beverage that should be avoided by people with lung cancer. Even in moderate amounts, it can have severe consequences on the body’s ability to fight cancer. Drinking alcohol increases oxidative stress and inflammation, which can exacerbate lung cancer symptoms. Moreover, alcohol can interfere with the body’s natural detoxification processes, placing additional strain on the liver, a key organ that helps metabolize medications and remove toxins from the body.

For lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or immunotherapy, consuming alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of these treatments and potentially worsen side effects like nausea, dehydration and fatigue. Furthermore, alcohol increases the risk of developing secondary cancers, particularly in the respiratory tract, mouth and throat.

3. High-Caffeine Drinks

Coffee, certain teas and energy drinks can be problematic for people with lung cancer. While moderate caffeine intake is generally safe for the average person, excessive caffeine consumption can cause dehydration, which is particularly harmful to lung cancer patients. Lung cancer often leads to difficulty breathing and increased mucus production, and dehydration can thicken mucus and make breathing even more challenging.

Additionally, caffeine can interfere with sleep patterns, contributing to insomnia and exacerbating fatigue—both of which are common issues for individuals with lung cancer. Good sleep is crucial for recovery and immune system function, and cutting back on high-caffeine drinks can help cancer patients maintain a more balanced sleep-wake cycle.

4. Dairy-Based Drinks

Milkshakes, creamy smoothies and even some types of coffee or tea with added milk can pose problems for lung cancer patients. While dairy is not inherently harmful, it can increase mucus production, which can make breathing more difficult for those already dealing with lung cancer symptoms. For some individuals, dairy consumption may also lead to bloating and discomfort, particularly during cancer treatments when digestive issues are common.

By reducing the intake of dairy-based beverages, individuals with lung cancer can minimize mucus buildup and gastrointestinal side effects, improving their comfort levels during treatment.

5. Carbonated Beverages

Sparkling water and soda may seem harmless, but for lung cancer patients they can cause significant discomfort. The carbonation in these drinks can lead to bloating and gas, which can put pressure on the diaphragm and lungs, making it harder to breathe. Lung cancer patients often struggle with shortness of breath, and consuming carbonated beverages can exacerbate this issue, reducing oxygen intake and increasing discomfort.

Additionally, many carbonated drinks contain high levels of sodium, which can contribute to water retention and further strain the respiratory system.

6. Processed Fruit Juices

Though marketed as healthy, these drinks often contain high amounts of added sugars and lack the fiber found in whole fruits. These drinks can lead to spikes in blood sugar, which may result in an energy crash shortly after consumption. For people with lung cancer, who are already dealing with fatigue, this can make managing energy levels even more difficult.

Furthermore, processed fruit juices often contain fewer nutrients than fresh, whole fruits, meaning patients miss out on the vitamins and antioxidants that could support their immune system during treatment.

7. Diet Soda

This may seem like a healthier alternative to regular sodas due to their lack of sugar, but they contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame and sucralose, which may have negative effects on cancer patients. While the link between artificial sweeteners and cancer is still debated, some studies suggest that these additives can increase oxidative stress in the body, which can promote inflammation and potentially worsen cancer symptoms. Diet sodas also offer no nutritional value and can lead to dehydration, as they often contain high levels of sodium and caffeine.

Treatment Options for Lung Cancer

Managing lung cancer requires a multifaceted approach that includes medical treatment, lifestyle changes and dietary considerations. There are several treatment options available to fight lung cancer, depending on the stage and type of cancer, the patient’s overall health and other factors.

One of the most promising treatments for lung cancer is Imfinzi (Durvalumab). Imfinzi is an immunotherapy drug that works by enhancing the immune system's ability to identify and destroy cancer cells. It specifically targets the PD-L1 protein found on the surface of cancer cells, which can prevent the immune system from attacking the tumor. By blocking this protein, Imfinzi allows the immune system to recognize and fight the cancer more effectively.

Imfinzi is typically used in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and is often administered after chemotherapy and radiation, particularly in cases where the cancer has not progressed significantly. Patients receiving Imfinzi have shown improvements in survival rates and a reduction in the spread of cancer.

Immunotherapy, including treatments like Imfinzi, show a breakthrough in cancer treatment, as it leverages the body’s own defenses to fight cancer cells rather than relying solely on external interventions like chemotherapy or radiation. For lung cancer patients, this can result in fewer side effects and a more targeted approach to treatment.

Final Notes

For individuals with lung cancer, avoiding certain drinks can help support overall health, reduce complications and improve quality of life. Sugary beverages, alcohol, high-caffeine drinks, dairy-based beverages and carbonated sodas can all contribute to inflammation, dehydration and other issues that complicate cancer treatment. By making mindful dietary choices, patients can complement their medical treatments and give themselves the best possible chance for recovery and improved well-being.